Monday 25 April 2011


We had 'Spring' this weekend, at least for a few hours. Check out Lee's blog for some beautiful photos of the fishing and playing shenanigans from Saturday. The nice weather was short-lived though, based on the weather forecast of rain, rain, and just a bit more rain. At least the flowers will be happy. These tiny tulips came out to say 'hi', but none of my other flowers including my daffodils are out yet. (No doubt scared off by the freezing overnight temperatures).

And speaking of growing, a certain wee man seems to be getting heftier and heavier. As of last Monday, he was about 10lbs and we go back on Thursday. Will be interesting to see how much he's gained, since he seems to have almost grown out of the 0-3 month size of his sleepers! (The 'Oh Henry' easter egg from Granny and Poppa probably helped, although he got it second hand - yum!).

Here is the handsome fellow on Easter Sunday, checking out his haul:

I love the look on his face in this picture - like he really wants to eat both the chocolate and the bear. What can I say? He's a hungry little dude and reminds me of that at 2.5 hour intervals all day and night.

Will be SO bizarre to have a giant hungry kid after dealing with miss-Mini for the past few years. Maybe the ever-growing spectre of her baby brother will encourage her to finish her supper?! I predict they'll be the same size and weight by the end of the year. Will make it easier to get them dressed in the morning, anyway. (Henry will look adorable in pink overalls, I just know it).

A dozy kind of day

This is how our Saturday morning started out. A very dozy day, but a perfect time for some father/son bonding (with snoring).

Thursday 21 April 2011

I know, I know....

I have been seriously lax in updating. I promise I'll start trying a little harder. Right now my priorities are something like:

1. Care for children
2. Exist
3. Maintain shred of sanity
4. Eat
99. Bathe
100. Update blog

We are all well, and and are surviving.

Life with two sure is different!
Life with a baby who wants to eat every 90 minutes is a little challenging!
Life as I knew it may never be the same!

Thursday 14 April 2011

Little gaffer

Sorry about the lack of updates... What can I say? Life has been busy the past 2 weeks!

We're surviving the solo parenting week while Rob's in Tulsa. He-man (aka Henry) is getting settled in Millbrook and has been a pretty good boy, though he's definitely a hungry wee man.

And, madam Evy has taken the whole situation in stride. Her love for her little brother is, um, intense. Our nightly routine now includes the two sibs snuggling in bed for a while before shut-eye.

Here she is yesterday, modeling Henry's new hat. Pretty cute!