Friday 30 January 2009


Yep. We're all zen (and defeated) here these days. Not wanting to miss out on a new Ontario trend, we've instituted some 'back to work' legislation, except this is 'back to sleep' legislation. In other words the boss (aka Evy) has won the negotiation and is back to sleeping in our room.

I realized it's only a problem if I decide that it's a problem, so I have become all zen and calm about having a tiny roommate. We're BOTH sleeping better as of last night (hey, she slept from 12:30 to 6:30 without waking up). So, I may be defeated, but I'm a winner too.

I'm happier. She's happier. And what the heck is the problem with that? (Other than the fact that she might be an only child forever because Rob's relegated to the spare room).

So, we're going to give it a week while I tackle my latest shipment of 'make your baby sleep without busting a gut screaming' books and will try again when the time is right.

Here's the chimp last Saturday, looking positively smug. (Do you think she had already predicted that I'd crumble re: cribfest '09?)

Happy Friday everyone, have a great weekend!

Tuesday 27 January 2009


I think I'm officially 'that' mom. You know, the really annoying one who can't talk about anything OTHER than crap-explosions and baby food and cutting tiny fingernails, and naptimes and bedtimes and bathtimes.

Yep, I live on planet baby.

And it's a great planet, except, that sleep is apparently not allowed here. The longest chunk of uninterrupted sleep that I've had this month is 3 hours. I am getting out of bed 6 or 7 times a night and I'm sooooooooooo so so so sooooooooooo tired.

So I guess that's why I obsess about all things Evy. Maybe it's her digestion that's keeping her up. Maybe it's her teeth, or baby food, or not enough food, or seperation anxiety, or night terrors, or some other developmental milestone.

Solving this problem is all that I can think about, making me a full-time resident of planet baby until I figure out what's going on. Or, maybe I'll never figure it out, and she'll just start sleeping again on her own.

Until then, I'll keep trying to figure out the local customs, and will enjoy every minute spent on planet baby with this strange and beautiful little tyrant.

And speaking of the wee tyrant, here are Unkie Ben and Auntie Emily enjoying some time with her on Saturday:

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Fun with furry (and non-furry) friends

Had a nice visit this afternoon with our friends Cheri and Paul and their wee baby Luke. They live in the most beautiful old farm house in the most beautiful spot. They have 2 horsies and one doggy that had might as well be a horse! And of course, little Luke. He's 7 weeks younger than Evy but is catching up in size (not like that's hard with the wee sprog).
We had a lovely visit. I didn't get any pictures of Evy and Luke, but Cheri is going to email me some. In the meantime, here are pictures of Evy and Gracie, her new best friend. (Please Rob, why can't I have a Great Dane????? I loooooooooooooove her! Pleeeeeeeeeeeaase!!)

Tuesday 20 January 2009


Well, Evy and I rushed from our mama/baby aerobics today (think an uncoordinated Jar Jar Binks shuffling around with a puzzled infant to bad techno beats) to watch the inauguration of Barack Obama at chez Higgy. It was very exciting!

How great that we got to witness it! Just too bad we had to put up with 8 years of rampant bush before our neighbours to the south decided they'd like to have someome with an IQ over 65 running their country. Go Obama Go! And thanks to Granny & Poppa for a sophisticated and tasteful, classy yet understated inauguration luncheon (I love egg salad sammiches!).

Evy seems moved by Obama's speech

An historic moment captured - Evy and Obama touch hands
And, here's another pic from yesterday, when Evy got a bit TOO much love from Penny. What can I say? Penny loves to lick nostrils. It's not her most endearing habit, I gotta say, but at least Evy is learning young to defend herself from pesky Jack Russells!
Rob left this morning for New Orleans for another work trip (or so he says... I think he's hangin' at the levy, getting uninterrupted sleep, and helping Brad Pitt rebuild houses.) He's away until Saturday, so miss Evy and I are cruising solo for the next few days. Here's hoping that the madam gives me a break - she's been waking up about 6 or 7 times a night, which is killing me.
So, I hope you all enjoyed this historic day. Just think, we'll always remember where we were today - glad I wasn't somewhere lame like work. (Being under the duvet on the couch at yer' parents house isn't lame, is it?)

Thursday 15 January 2009

indoor fun

Evy and I have been hanging indoors the past 2 days, trying to escape the cold. We did venture out for a while today for a brisk (temperature and pace) walk over to the post office and then to the grocery store. It wasn't that we actually needed anything, but rather that we needed a bit of fresh air and to get outside of the house for a while. Time passes very slowly when you're trapped inside with a 6-month old.

Rob's going to take Evy for a swim tomorrow at the Peterborough Wellness Centre - they have baby swims every day. Considering how much she loves bathtime, I expect it to be a huge hit with her - and a perfect outing on yet another chilly day. I might go along to be the official photographer.

Here are a few photos from our 'stuck inside, so making our own fun' afternoon today.

tiny queen surrounded by her loyal subjects

"who the heck are you?"

"hello, friends!"

"oh, yes mummy, I can stand"

little bright eyes and loooong eyelashes

and those cheeks just keep on growing!

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Staying inside

I think Evy and I are going to hole up inside today... It's pretty darn cold out there (you know it's cold when you are wearing your long underwear indoors!). I'm trying to look on the bright side - some people have to pay a fortune to have their windows frosted - ours are artfully done courtesy of mother nature. And, I'm helping to reduce the economic crisis by having the furnace run all day!
This post is dedicated to Rob, who loves when I do a screen shot of the weather. He wins today's best husband award for going out this morning to buy bread and milk before jetting off to work. Thanks hubby!

Saturday 10 January 2009


Here are a few pics to warm you up on this chilly Saturday morning. Hope you're all having a great weekend!!

I'm pretty sure this is not the
correct way to use the jolly jumper

upside down girly

ev and mum

ev and daddio

Thursday 8 January 2009

got to admit it's getting better...

Yes, things are improving with the first cold of '09. I feel a bit better, and am about 99% less whiny than I was earlier in the week.

I must whine A BIT about the fact that sis Lee and her family have just left for Florida for 10 days. They are staying on a wee island, Don Pedro. It's basically all beach with dolphins and manatees splashing around. The house they're renting looks great, so I'm dying of jealousy.

Of course, why not be happy to be here??! We had about 15cm of snow yesterday with another 15 scheduled for tomorrow! Yay! Good times!

Here's the little beauty, waving bye bye to Lee, Chris, Charley and Sam! Have fun ya' lucky bums!

"yes, I'm quite aware that my
eyelashes are to die for..."

Tuesday 6 January 2009


It hasn't all just been germs and mucus around here lately, there has been some fun too, namely, introducing miss Evy to the joys of eating. The other day was her first foray into pablum, and then I decided to tempt fate yesterday and try her out with some sweet potato. She LOVED both, and couldn't get enough.

I had to finally cut her off, because you're supposed to ease in to different foods to prevent any digestive issues.

She was so happy to get eating - it was as though she was saying, "GOD! Finally, mom! I've been waiting FOREVER!"

little miss pablum-face
gotta go buy some bibs... the washcloth wasn't that effective

She wanted to help, so she got her own spoon!

And, a photo from this morning - sterilizing the army of pacifiers

Monday 5 January 2009

No Fair

****WARNING: This post contains an obscene amount of pathetic whining and self-pity. Read at your own peril.****

Suffice it to say, that most moms of 6-months old are tired. Sleep-deprived, slightly insane, and so so so tired. Then, add some sickness. Say aching sinuses and back, and a snot-filled head that surely weighs 1,000 pounds. And a stiff neck, and, well, you get the idea. I feel like a slightly-warm corpse.

THEN, add the inability to take any 'good' drugs. Advil is great, but it's not really enough for the ebola virus I'm dealing with. The pharmacist suggested mentholated rub, but I'm already "Vicks'ed" from head to toe. So, I bought a heating pad. I'm currently wearing it under my sweater... it's a hot look - literally. (Hah hah hah - I guess I'm not too sick to make corny jokes).

So, basically there is no point to this post other than to whine. And ask for sympathy. And also to say that I refuse to believe that only Ellen and Lee have made New Years' resolutions, so humour me by sharing yours.

Thursday 1 January 2009


Welcome to 2009 everyone!

I've been thinking all day about what my New Year's resolutions might be. Take more time for myself to help keep my sanity? Maybe. Lose 10 lbs? Yeah, that goes without saying. Be a better human? Pshaw... is there ANY room for improvement?

Based on my current schedule and the fact I live on planet baby, I wanted to find something that was actually manageable - writing the next great Canadian novel probably isn't realistic. Sooo, instead, I've decided that my resolution is to try to finish all the crafty projects that are littering our home. I tend to start something, and then run out of steam... a very bad trait, I know.

So you heard it here first = I hereby vow to finish crafty projects, AND, to ensure that all 2009 craft projects get done too. (You can probably hear Rob jumping for joy right now, as he's surely thinking of the multiple pieces of furniture waiting for upholstery in our house!)

Here are some of the unfinished projects eagerly awaiting my attention:

hooked rug for Alice - started in 2006

hooked rug for Evy's room - started in 2008

quilt for special nephew Charley - started in 2008
So... time to spill it, everyone.
I want to know what YOUR resolutions are - use the comments section to share your goals for '09. Maybe a public proclamation will help ALL of us keep the reso's this year.
(You only need to fill in your name on the comments form, not all of the other data fields).