Saturday 15 March 2014

Some fun videos for you

We've been busy over March Break.  Evy was in a play put on by the Funfolk Theatricals of Millbrook.  She was a munchkin and winged monkey in 'The Wizard of Oz' and she was wonderful.  Here she is (link below) describing her prowess on stage:

And, bonus snow-shovelling time-lapse!  Yes, we got about 20cm of snow here on Wednesday. How super!  Notice how very very helpful Baxter is about helping with the hard work.  What a gem!

In running related news, the big day is 10 weeks away tomorrow.  This means I actually have to really start training (and not just taking the dog on brisk walks and thinking that's enough).  Must start logging some kilometres, no matter if it's snow, ice, or rain.  Would some nice weather be too much to ask for?!!  OH, and so far I have raised $950!! WOOT!

Friday 14 March 2014

Reviving the blog!

Ok, so maybe it's been 372 days since I updated the blog... but who's counting?  I think I developed a bad case of blog-malaise.  And, the truth is, my life really isn't exciting enough to warrant a blog.  Blah blah blah, diapers, blah blah blah, kids crying, blah blah blah, pretty picture of Millbrook.  That pretty much sums up all of my posts over the past few years.  

BUT.  I now have a good reason for reviving the mothballed 'Queen of Canadia'.  And it's all to do with my wee man Jack.  

If you're on Facebook or lucky enough to be in my email contact list, then you probably saw this the other day:

If you know me, then you know that family is the most important thing in my life. I am lucky enough to be related to some amazing, hilarious, wonderful, crazy and fabulous fools. We are a close-knit bunch, and when one of us is hurting, we all hurt. So, you can imagine how devastated we were last July when my adorable 3-year-old nephew was diagnosed with a rare and serious genetic disease - MPS II (Hunter Syndrome).

Those first few weeks after Jack's diagnosis were a blur of tears, heartache, and grief. I grieved for my brother and his beautiful wife. I witnessed their crippling debilitating pain and wanted to help them carry some of the crushing burden of loss they were feeling. My heart broke for Jack - for the hard journey he had ahead of him - would he make it to highschool? Have a first date? Go to prom? All of these little things we take for granted now seemed so precarious.

Grief erodes you down to your core. You realize what truly matters and can let the silly meaningless things go. You see what's really important. Love. Laughter. And hope. Hope that we can cure MPS II in Jack's lifetime. Hope that we have the strength to fight for him, and other kids with rare diseases. And a vow to do whatever we can to help.

Which is why, somehow, I found myself registering to run the Ottawa Half Marathon in May.

If you know me, then you know that slothful and lazy are my middle names. You know that the only time I might run anywhere (maybe) is for puppies, ice cream, or a glass of wine. I am the little girl who tripped through ballet, stumbled at gymnastics, and promptly gave up on any sports at all by the time I was ten. My personal version of hell consists entirely of that horrible f*cking Canada Fitness Award program we used to have to do in public school (Do you remember this horrid day? I dreaded it ALL year, my ENTIRE childhood).

Yet, here I am. It's March 12th and in 73 days I will run (jog, crawl, roll?) 21 kilometers. All for this little man. And for his parents, his grandparents, his aunts, uncles, and cousins. And for every other family who has been shattered by a diagnosis like his.

If you know me, then you know that I am now about to ask you for money. Lots of money. As much money as you can spare. As much money as you think a little boy's future is worth. Please help me. Please mock my attempts at running. Please laugh your asses off when you picture me, red as a tomato, probably barfing, but gloriously exhilarated and sobbing as I stumble over that finish line. Please come and cheer for me, and if you can't be there in person, then make a donation and I'll write your name on my shirt, on my arm, on my forehead (that's a premium large rental space, FYI).

Please join me on this journey.

Please be with me - in my heart, in my lungs, in my legs - as I find the strength to finish that last kilometre.

And finally, please prepare to burn a hole in your credit card as you sponsor me online via the link below.

Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. Your support means everything to me.

To learn more about Jack's journey with MPSII you can visit

So.  If that's not reason enough to start updating my blog, I don't know what is.  

I'll keep you updated on how my training (or lack thererof, considering this never-ending winter) is going.  I'll share fun pictures and videos, I'll keep harrassing people who haven't donated for money.  And, I'll include some of the same old boring posts about kids and life in Millbrook.

Welcome back!  oxoxo 

Me and my lil' man hanging at Sick Kids

I only ever got a participation pin!