Thursday, 8 January 2009

got to admit it's getting better...

Yes, things are improving with the first cold of '09. I feel a bit better, and am about 99% less whiny than I was earlier in the week.

I must whine A BIT about the fact that sis Lee and her family have just left for Florida for 10 days. They are staying on a wee island, Don Pedro. It's basically all beach with dolphins and manatees splashing around. The house they're renting looks great, so I'm dying of jealousy.

Of course, why not be happy to be here??! We had about 15cm of snow yesterday with another 15 scheduled for tomorrow! Yay! Good times!

Here's the little beauty, waving bye bye to Lee, Chris, Charley and Sam! Have fun ya' lucky bums!

"yes, I'm quite aware that my
eyelashes are to die for..."

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