Saturday 8 March 2008


Sorry it's been a while since I posted - sheesh. I don't know how people do this whole 'working' thing! I have officially survived Week II of work. It's going well, and I really like all the people I work with. (Except Dennis... he's got scurvy).

We are slowly being buried under ANOTHER 30 cm of snow. Sadly, this meant cancelling a fun day today - we were expecting 12 friends from Toronto, plus assorted babies, toddlers, and kiddies. Alas, the drive would have been too awful with this ridiculous blizzard. Right now I'm sitting in our living room and the wind is howling - it sounds like fake cartoon wind. Oh well, I'm glad we're safe and sound at home, with a couple of movies to watch tonight. That is if Rob ever comes back inside from his 'man playhouse' (no, it's not a rude man hangout - it's his beautiful workshop).

As requested by popular demand (or demanded by popular request) here is a picture of me from today. Fatty fat fat.


  1. har har har... You're gonna get reeeal big now, and I'm going to point and laugh... like SOME people did to me! I, meanwhile, am getting slimmer and slimmer by the day. hee hee hee

  2. hahahah - oh yes, point and laugh! point and lauggggggh!!

  3. That's what I looked like at 12 weeks! and I had a 9 and a half pound 24 incher - YOW! You'll be wishing that Big Boy had STAYED out there in his playpen hee hee
    (ps - it's defo a pink one (not that we subscribe to such sexist nonsense - shall we just say I predict that this one will be estrogen-powered...)
    Twenty years from now your bump will be 20, you will be 40 something, my bump will be 40 and I will be in heading for my 9th decade - oh you youngsters, laugh away - Je ris avec vous.....
