Saturday 9 May 2009

Laundry day

Harooo. We've had a busy week, and were very sad to say farewell to Granny and Poppa, who left for New Brunswick on Wednesday. Here's a pic from our lunch on Monday (we were celebrating their 38th wedding anniversary! They are soooo old!) We were at the Silver Bean cafe in Peterborough, right on the Otonabee River, and if you haven't been there yet, I highly recommend it!

Jimmy, Alice, Miss Evy and Granny B.

Yesterday afternoon brought the craziest hail/thunderstorms, but before that we were able to get some laundry done. Evy gets in to everything lately, so to keep her from eating bugs/leaves/dirt/grass/gravel, I keep her close and she "helps". I told her to fold the laundry, but no go. I suspect that she understood the instruction but was just being obtuse.

Hello! Aren't I cute? And downy fresh?

I think daddy's jeans are going to topple on me!

Mom! Get me outta here!

In other news, Rob and I had our first "date" in more than 10-months yesterday! I'm not sure if it counts, because we drove seperately to the movie theatre, sat in silence while we watched the just-out and freaking-amazing Star Trek movie, and then drove home seperately (Rob was running errands, thus the 2-car scenario). So, it wasn't exactly 'romantic' (it was the 4pm show!) but it was great to get out of the house. Huge thanks to Auntie Em and Beau Tighe for babysitting. I think Evy misses you!!
It's a very grey and miserable day here - I wanted to get more accomplished outside in ye' garden, but, it's more of a "lay on the couch and watch Grey's Anatomy" kind of day.
Hope everyone has a great weekend, and big hugs to the N.B contingent. We miss you!!

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