Saturday 20 February 2010

Ottawa: the coles notes version

Yes, it was over a week ago that Evy and I drove to Ottawa. And yes, I'm very tardy in posting an update, but in my defense, Lee had already put all the good pictures up on her blog, so I knew that those in true desperate need of their Evy fix could find fodder there.

We had a really nice time with Lee, Chris & the boys, despite Lee being sick, and the kids all having a lot of snot. Regardless, it was wonderful to spend the weekend with them.

Here are a few snaps that capture the good times:

Zombie tv-watching couch cousins

Someone (not naming names) being a bad influence at the breakfast table
And then, as usually happens when you get a few kiddies together, there was much opportunity to teach about 'sharing'. Sharing trains is especially hard for Charlie, but he did his very best (most of the time!).

"One step closer to the train table and you're a gonner, midget"

"Mine, they're all mine! Moo haw haw haw haw"

A few of Charley's buddies

But, for the most part, Charley was very patient with his bratty lil' cousin. And well, Evy and Sam will probably try to elope the next time we see them - they are so in lurve with each other!

And the best part about the whole weekend? That it may be the last time I visit them in Ottawa! Hurry up and move to Millbrook, guys!! We're waiting for you!!

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