Tuesday 16 March 2010

Sunny stroll

As much as the clocks changing has been tiring, it was wonderful to get home from work and still feel like there was lots of time to go for a nice family walk.

Today was the nicest day yet this month. The forecast may be calling for snow on Monday but I'll embrace Spring while it's here.

Millbrook is snow-free and looking lovely and we had a great time playing outside.

Evy and Mommy and butt of random dog

Feeling fancy free without the weight of the winter coat!

Having a nice stroll with Daddy along the creek

Kisses from Mommy cause the sun hurts her eyes

Throwing rocks down the drain hole in the bridge....
nothing more fun than that when you're almost two!

Little cute troll on the bridge

I hope everyone else got some sunshine and Vitamin D today!


  1. Mega-sunshine absorbed here. Yay spring!

  2. ditto. mega sunshine absorbed! lovin' those photos, mega cute!


  3. Dear god thats a good looking child!!!
