Sunday 4 April 2010

Jack & Jack

If lightening struck where you were today, I apologize. It likely occured because I went to church this morning. Yes, I try to go a few times a decade, whether I need it or not.

The flowers in the church were in memory of my Grandpa Jack, who died 5 years ago. It seems hard to believe it's been half a decade. Rob and I had just moved to England 3 months before. The phone rang at 5am. (It's never good news when the phone rings at 5am, is it?). He was 92 and you'd think that I might have prepared myself for losing him. But I didn't and it took me a long time to stop mourning.

He was such a character and such a wonderful grandpa. He was abrasive, and opinionated and gruff. He was also funny, a passionate nature lover, handy, and a talented photographer. And he loved us so fiercely, though of course he never said so.

Jack reduced, re-used and recycled before it was cool. He could make useful tools and machinery from scraps. He was a talented woodworker who spent countless hours in his dark sawdust-filled cellar. He came from a different time and had amazing stories to share - even if we heard some of them 100 times.

So I spent a lot of today thinking about Jack. Thinking about how much he would have loved to see Evy running up the aisle at church today. Thinking about how he would have laughed to see us all gathered for dinner last night. And of course, thinking how honoured and delighted he would be to meet his namesake, my beautiful nephew Jack.

Here's G'pa Jack circa 2003 - never happier than when
he was surrounded by his grandkids

And here is baby Jack (now a big 4-month old boy!)
What a funny little (big) man!


  1. Heart breaking a little bit... xo

  2. Oh Sarah Sausage, that is so gorgeous. Your Grandpa would be so very proud. Speaking from experience now, grandchildren are truly one of lifes' greatest gifts. X
