Wednesday 1 June 2011

The 35-month old and the 2-month old

June 1st! Summer is here (in every way except on the calendar) and we've been adjusting to the new steamy temperatures! (Why did we decide not to get air conditioning when we got the new furnace? Something about reducing our carbon footprint, saving energy, blah blah blah... sorry, I can't remember, I'm too darn hot).

Hard to believe Mr Henry is 2 months old! And also hard to believe that our little pipsqueak is turning 3 in a month! (I pulled out her summer clothes from last year and she's still fitting into the shorts and capris - some of them size 12 months). Oh well, she actually eats her dinner a few nights a week, so I'm not too worried. Now if I could just convince her that pooping on the toilet is cool, we'd be set.

Here are the two cuties having a snuggle:

I think we've reached a turning point (knocking heavily on many species of wood) with Mr H. The days are more good than bad, and the nights are steadily improving (he slept a 5-hour stretch last night - woot woot!). And, Miss E makes me laugh every day. She's a pretty funny girl, and her imagination is into overdrive. We spend most nights re-writing the plotlines of her favourite books and her giggle is just about the best noise in the world.

So, what's with all this love and chipperness? (I swear it's not just delirium from sleep deprivation... or, wait... actually, it probably is.) The only dark cloud on the horizon is the fact that Al & Jim aka Granny and Poppa are loading up the truck from the loooong drive to New Brunswick. Sob! They leave on Sunday and we're missing them already! Must go right now and book our trip to visit them in July.

Happy June to one and all, and enjoy this fine (finally!) weather.

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