Wednesday 28 September 2011

Fall into Fall

Although the temperatures this week have been fairly balmy, there's no doubt that fall is on its way. And I for one am cheering for the first frost! (The cheer goes something like this: "Yeah frost, stick it to that pollenh*le ragweed, woot woot!" Ah, life with allergies is sublime).

Whether you are lamenting Winter's arrival or not, you have to admit, Fall is a beautiful time of year. The geese are descending on the pond by the dozen, the leaves are starting to turn, and it's lovely to snuggle under the duvet at night. Unless you're sleeping next to a 6-month old, but I digress.

Proof in point:

The last bloom on the honeysuckle vine

More honeysuckle - the humingbirds love it and you can see why

The house looking lovely in late afternoon sun

Fall mums in the planter

So, we await those first few flakes of snow, and in the meantime will enjoy all the dreaminess of this fine season.

1 comment:

  1. I miss fall... it's been forever since I've had a real true fall - in Vancouver the leaves don't really change colour the rain comes and just tears them from the trees still green. But still... I have a love for fall. Truly my favorite season (where you are at least) - sunshine and big sweaters! Cherish it for me.
