Monday 6 July 2009

Cottage and the big birthday bash!

Phew! It's been a busy few weeks. Evy's birthday was great fun. We survived quite a bit of rain on our way to the cottage to celebrate, but we all dried out eventually. The guest list included the big 1-year old girl, Rob & I, Jim & Helen, Great Granny Barbara, G'pa and G'ma Al and Molly, Unkie Dennis, and our friends from Millbrook, Joe & Trina and their daughter Maeve.

The weather cooperated enough for us to have lunch outside, which was nice, but it rained on and off all day, so that was too bad. But, we made the most of it and little madam was spoiled with lots and lots of presents and cards (including lots of presents from the UK friends - thanks to everyone for helping to make her birthday so special! She opened (and chewed on) the cards and presents- it was very cute!

We also had a great time at the cottage. Jim & Helen were very mellow and relaxed houseguests, and we ate well, slept well (ok, except for Evy a few nights) and enjoyed ourselves. Here are a few pics from the past 2 weeks:

little nudesie goes for a splash

I can tell you, it's very hard to tread water with a baby

Having a post-swim snuggle

Little smiley reading her birthday book made with love by Aunt Diane

The 'very hungry caterpillar' cake

playing with Maeve after the birthday bash

little miss sunshine eating her shreddies

who is this baby?

ole' silly, with a shreddie stuck to her arm
(Must be one of those pesky diamond shreddies!)

enjoying a lovely dinner out in Bobcaygeon on
Jim & Helen's last night

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