Evy loves her cousins SO much, and had a great time with the house-full of family. And it was really great to see Lee, Chris & the boys, who made the drive from Ottawa through freezing rain and crummy weather. We're so glad to have them back in Ontario, and I was working overtime trying to sell them on Millbrook's charms. (Yes, am still hoping they'll move here!).
I was too unorganized to take many pictures, but luckily, Alice captured quite a few:
Miss Evy sporting her new feather boa. Just the thing for an 18-month old, non?
Lee and two scampy boys look outside at the snow
Yes, this is what a table set for 16 looks like (Baby Jack didn't get his own seat... maybe next year)
Evy is delighted with her new 'Charley' toy, har har
A beautiful New Brunswick rock for my garden. Thanks Al & Jimmy!
Evy is not impressed with the friendly rat
Ben pulls out a blade because he senses Iggle Piggle sneaking up on him
Auntie Mary and Jack have a nice visit