Sunday 20 June 2010


We made it!

And although it's a grey day out there, I'm very glad to be here. The flight was uneventful other than the fact that Evy didn't sleep a wink and holding her was like wrasslin' a rabid snake (can snakes get rabies?) for 2 hours. The plane was delayed so we didn't land until 12:45 and so we're all kinda weary today.

Miss E is still having her afternoon nap, so I had a nice wander around outside. Everything is just as lovely as I remember, and the new garage with sleeping loft above is gorgeous. Now we just need some sunshine so I can wave hi to the Bay!

Don't sit on this chair after a drink or two

N.B is wild rose country too!

The new garage

Prickly pine!

Many shades of lovely lupins

1 comment:

  1. FUN!!! Looks purdy!Sure beats the Monday morning blues!
