Tuesday 24 June 2008

Fun for fatty

We had a very fun and busy past few days. Sunday was my granny's 90th birthday party, and we all got to hang out in the countryside to celebrate. Here I am, looking roughly the size of a barn:

We've also had lots of fun time with the Higgy sisters, who were both in town for the weekend. This is a smiley gaggle of Higgy goils (and wee Sammy) on Saturday night:

Here's wee (or not so wee, as he's a whopping 18lbs!) Sammy, looking SO cute! I hope he likes his new lil' cousin when he/she arrives! I predict they'll be best buds as they'll only be 4 months apart!

And, in an effort to induce preterm labour by almost dying laughing, here are some Higgy sibs playing Rock Band at brother Ben and new sissy in law Kristin's house last night. (Note Sammy taking part by rockin' out on the floor while we jam, sister style!):
What a fun game! I'm sooo going to get one, once we have a TV that's bigger than 13". Though, there's no doubt that my musical abilities are sorely lacking... it was still good fun. Except when I got kicked off after only 30 seconds... I think I'm lacking a sense of rhythym, even though I was trying to channel the spirit of 'Animal' from the muppets:

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it was because you were trying to channel the spirit of 'Animal' that your rhythm was off... if you remember, he never really got the hang of playing nice with the other muppets!
