Welcome to September and fall and the realization that winter is just around the corner. (How depressing is that?) The days are getting shorter and it's been positively chilly the past few mornings.
I was sitting with Evy yesterday (on her 14-month birthday!) and was thinking about how much fun she'll have this winter. And that even though she's still such a tiny little mite, she's come a long way in 14 months. And here's the proof:
Doesn't she look like a doll?
A little bigger! Chubby cheeks are growing!
Cheeks reaching giant proportions and threaten engulf tiny chin
October 2008
White pants after Labour Day? Seriously?
So sad that fashion crime can strike at any age.
November 2008
The 'crazy-giant' eyelashes are starting to show up
Remember the lizard tongue days?
Elf is looking a bit more comfy in the bumbo chair
February 2009
Big girl sitting on the couch
March 2008
Little monkey and the forehead vesuvius - ouch! April 2009
Lookit me sitting like a big girl (and trying to brush my wee teeth!) May 2009
Little miss starts to crawl in earnest June 2009
Having fun at the cottage with shreddies
Eyelashes? check. Chubby cheeks? check.
August 2009
Definitely a bigger girl, but still small enough to fit in the sink!
Celebrating her 14-month birthday with yogurt
Wait... and is that some hair FINALLY growing on her head?
I can't wait to see what the next 14 months will bring! Lots more adventures, I'm sure.
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