Tuesday 15 September 2009

The Adventures of ole' scabby head

Apparently all wee kiddies end up bumping their heads and other parts of their anatomy when they are still wobbly on the legs. Poor miss Evy fell down last Monday and gave herself a nasty bump on the noggin, along with a nice helping of road rash.

Believe me, I was more upset than she was, and felt that for sure this time, my chances at being nominated 'mother of the year' were finished for good. Here she is just after the tumble:

She didn't seem affected (and didn't seem concussed, even though her head made a noise not unlike a melon would when hitting the sidewalk) so we proceeded over the neighbours' house to play with ye olde water snake:

Then, on Friday night (with gross giant grody icky scab formed) we had a nice visit with Auntie Kristin and Uncle Ben, who love Evy even when she's disfigured! (And check out Evy's little cousin, cooking away in the oven there!):

On Sunday, we had the great pleasure of attending the 2nd annual 'Millbrook Zuchinni Fest' (don't ask, but it's great fun!). There Evy got to hang and (and do some awesome dancing) with her friends Maia and Maeve:

And though the scab looks scary and debillitating, it didn't stop little miss from rolling on the floor:

And running like a crazy scamp with her tongue out. (I actually didn't mean to crop the scab outta this picture - she was just running too fast for me!):

And then lo and behold, madam woke up on Monday morning and at first I didn't notice what was different about her - and then I thought, "where the hell is ole' scabby!?". Not to worry, she didn't eat it or anything, Rob found it in her crib:

And so with this post, I am officially one of those pathetic obnoxious people who writes about the most boring, ridiculous, inane and umm.... gross... things about their kids! Sorry if anyone is eating lunch while reading this.

In other news, Rob has been working in Detroit for a few days each week lately, and that makes it kinda rough for me. But, we're surviving so far, and really, it makes it kinda rough for Rob too. Because he's in Detroit. Shudder.

Oh, and Evy went to the pediatrician last Thursday and is now weighing in at a whopping 16lb10oz. This puts her in the same range as a medium sized potato, or as slightly smaller than the average angler's trophy and slightly larger than a loaf of bread. Yep, she's still pretty darn tiny. But, the good news is that all of her tests came back fine n' dandy, so she just is what she is - a petite little sweetie.

I hope everyone is having a grand September so far!

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