Was a super-sunny-fabulous day here, so, Miss E and I decided to give the ole' wheels a scrub. She was suprisingly effective, so much so that I may put a sign at the end of the drive offering car washes for $10. She does have some trouble reaching anything higher than the door handle, so, it makes for an interesting two-toned look, but I think it works.
Here's the little washer-woman hard at work:
And on the topic of automobiles, I'm pleased to say that we finally got a new car. Well, it's new to us anyway. After driving a 1997 that has tried to kill and maim me in a number of ways, our flashy (read: totally boring mom-mobile) 2007 Toyota Corolla is going to feel like space-age luxury. (Power windows and locks? What the heck are those?). And people, BRACE YOURSELVES, it even has a freakin' sun roof. Because that's how I roll (now). Woot woot! (Now I just have to hope this isn't one of those super scampy Toyotas that drives itself around like Herbie the love bug!)
As for baby news: Not a darn thing to report. I've been hoping little doozer will come along early, but not even a twinge yet. Sigh. Send happy labour thoughts my way, please!
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