Tuesday 9 September 2008

Bjorn again

So, we're still in the midst of 'ColicFest 2008'. And, I'm still deep in the midst of this cold. Helllo! I thought colds were only supposed to last 10 days. It's been 10 days already and it shows NO sign of abating! VERY frustrating because I'll work for an hour to get Evy to sleep, and then I'll sneeze/cough and she'll wake up again. Brutal! (Harried mom tip of the day: diaper rash ointment works a charm on yer' nose when it's sore from kleenex burn).

My only saving grace has been the baby bjorn. (For those not in the know, the baby bjorn is a baby carrier where the baby rests against your chest). Yesterday, I wore the bjorn (with Evy in it, obviousleeeee) for about 5 hours. And I have it on again now. She sleeps so fitfully, that if we leave her on her own, she'll wake up in 5 or 10 minutes. For some reason, she sleeps well when she's pressed against me, and it allows me to walk around, do laundry, and have a bit of a life. Of course, I'm probably warping her more because now she seems to ONLY sleep when she's in the bjorn. Oh well, I'm too weary from this cold to break any bad habits right now. I'll wait until I have a bit more strength before trying to get her back into the habit of sleeping on her own.

Anyhoo, sorry for the totally WHINY post! I promise that I'm still (mainly) in high spirits - but that's probably sleep-deprived delirium. Lee & the boys arrived from Ottawa yesterday, and it was great to see them, so I'll post some fun pics of Evy & her cousins this week.

In the meantime, here are some hilarious pics of Rob and Rob junior. (We've decided that Evy looks exactly like a mini Rob). Thanks to Jessica for the fabulous hedgehog shirt that Evy is wearing --- so cute!!

1 comment:

  1. Install hooks in the walls and just hang her there over night.

    This is why I won't be a father.
