I realized it's only a problem if I decide that it's a problem, so I have become all zen and calm about having a tiny roommate. We're BOTH sleeping better as of last night (hey, she slept from 12:30 to 6:30 without waking up). So, I may be defeated, but I'm a winner too.
I'm happier. She's happier. And what the heck is the problem with that? (Other than the fact that she might be an only child forever because Rob's relegated to the spare room).
So, we're going to give it a week while I tackle my latest Amazon.ca shipment of 'make your baby sleep without busting a gut screaming' books and will try again when the time is right.
Here's the chimp last Saturday, looking positively smug. (Do you think she had already predicted that I'd crumble re: cribfest '09?)
Happy Friday everyone, have a great weekend!