Sunday 17 January 2010

Bleh bleh blah

So I think I must be having the January 'blahs'. Is there such a thing? I know you normally get them in February, so I guess mine are just premature.

I'm having a bit of a work crisis and may be starting a full-time job in the near future. Full time at a fabulous job that I know I'll LOVE-love-looooVE in the field that I want to work in. But working full-time means leaving Evy full-time. Which means of her 12 waking hours on a week-day, I'll be lucky to see her for 3 or 3.5 = mega angst.

Yes, I know most mamas do this. And I know and truly believe that working full-time doesn't make you less of a mother, and doesn't generally impact your child negatively. It's just that I'll miss her SO much. One of my friends pointed out that happy at work = happy at home = happy mom. And that's the theory I'm going with for now. It helps that this potential new job is a contract that will end by late Spring, so, I will just be testing the waters for now. (And hey, maybe I'll then be out of work for part of the summer... get ready to host us in New Brunswick, granny + poppa!).

In other 'blah' news I can't stop reading the headlines about Haiti. I feel sick thinking about all of the loss, the pain, families devastated, and now the waiting for aid. It's just really bloody awful. So, I donated my measley-but-I-hope-it-helps $100 and hope that everyone else does the same. I donated through Red Cross, but there are lots of charities accepting money. The cbc has a great list of ways to help.

Oh, and if you too are suffering from the January 'blahs' then might I recommend a possible cure. I just finished reading the latest Dan Brown book, 'Lost Symbol'. And in pure Dan Brown fashion it was dramatic drivel (oooh that cheeky Robert Langdon... whatever WILL he get himself into this time?). But it was very entertaining and I read it before bed and finished it in 3 nights, so, not really a weighty read. Mind you, I did find it a bit hard to read now I picture a freaky hair-straightened Tom Hanks playing the role, and it's just too weird. Seriously. Stop straightening the hair.

And for your miss E fix, here she on Wednesday, wreaking havoc on my architectural masterpiece. Mysteriously, the audio is off by a few seconds - not sure why that happened, but it's still a very cute video.

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