Thursday 18 November 2010

Bad Hair and Balloons

Has been a busy few days in the HiggJax household. After Tuesday night's shenanigans, I've gone all tough love with Evy. Soothers? Gone! Bottles? On the way out! I figured if I was going to be miserable, I'd might as well make it productive in terms of her dental health. So, I hid the soothers and steeled myself for the worst.

But I forgot I was dealing with a two year old (definition: contrary). She slept like a log all night and went to bed again tonight without making a fuss about the soother loss. Yay! That said, she did ask if she could bring her balloon to bed with her. Not sure that the American Pediatric Society recommends letting your kid sleep with a balloon - must go google Dr Sears.

Preparations are underway for a big party here on Saturday, to celebrate all the Higginson (and Jones) November birthdays! Thus, I had to buy a selection of awesome balloons and Evy's been testing them out. This was as soon as she came downstairs this morning - serious balloon love:

Notice the bad hair due to her scrubbing her head with a bar of soap at bathtime last night and me neglecting to rinse very well. But that was just the beginning of the bad hair, as we taught madam about the magic of static electricity during our kitchen dance party after dinner:

(Balloon is looking enviously at the hair... so covetous!)

(Those aren't bolts coming out of her neck, I swear. They are drawer handles)

So, wish us luck as we continue to work on Project 'Don'tPayTheOrthodontist'. Next on the list, toilet training!! (God, my world is so so small, isn't it?).

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