Tuesday 16 November 2010

Oh, hello terrible twos

Tonight was the first night that the 'terrible twos' truly came a' knocking at the door. We had temper tantrums, we had tears, we had a crazy two year old, who for some unknown reason, held a chewed-up piece of cucumber in her mouth for HALF AN HOUR. Not kidding. She wouldn't swallow it, she wouldn't spit it out. She just cried. With a mouth full of cucumber. Seriously, I don't even know how you do that.

Oh, and when I say 'we', I mean 'me' because Rob had taken to bed with round five? seventy two? of the dreaded fall cold that's been lingering in our house since September.

I put her to bed half an hour early because she was delirious after missing her nap today and she woke up an hour later SCREAMING. It was clearly a bad dream because she was inconsolable. And we all know, there is no doubt she was having a nightmare about CUCUMBER!

It probably looked something like this:

Anyway, I'm sure it's all because of the missed nap. And maybe I'm a bit stressed out about food because madam had a check-up today with her pediatrician (who likes to see her every 3 months because she's such a midget). And I shouldn't even be sad because she gained weight (yes, she weighs as much as a sack of potatoes now. Mini potatoes, mind you!)

Nevermind, I live in hope that some day she will actually get on the growth chart. In the meantime, I will stop trying to feed her cucumber, because it's not like it has nutritional value anyway. Chocolate milkshakes, here we come! Not a cuke in sight!

Here is the little mini tyrant on a walk last month.

In other news, I just spent an hour watching ALL the clips on the engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Woot woot! I remember VERY distinctly watching the wedding of Charles and Diana. And I was SO jealous that I wasn't a flower girl. (Seriously, in my Commemorative book, one of their flower girls was PICKING HER NOSE. I remember thinking that if they'd been smart enough to ask me, I would have kept my darn finger out of my nose). Mom, you'd better find that book and scan that picture for me. Maybe I can send it to Wills and Kate to convince them to give me a chance this time. For all the good clips on the newly engaged lovebirds, including the full interview, check out bbc.

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