Monday 31 January 2011


Someone's looking quite scampy and saucy these days
... and it's not me

31 weeks pregnant, with a little monkey that turns 31-months old tomorrow. Time sure is flying, isn't it?

Also, important to note that I finally realized why they call it a 'geriatric pregnancy' when you're over 35. It's because by the time you're 31 weeks pregnant, you feel like you're 97. Heartburn, acid reflux, swollen ankles, and scoliosis. It just doesn't get more glamorous than that.

Happy (almost) February to all!


  1. Don't forget the hernia! Good times.

  2. Wait! I seem to vaguely remember something about a really bad rash with the last pregnancy? Was that you? If so, then AT LEAST you don't have THAT problem this time around!
    Hang in there. (And it's a good thing babies are cute!!)
