Sunday 16 January 2011

Small town fun

One of the benefits of living in a small town with a high water-table-level is the skating opportunities! (The drawbacks, of course being the damp basements, but you take the good with the bad, non?).

We went to a neighbour's skating party at their own private pond yesterday and we had a very jolly time indeed. Met some folk we hadn't met before, ate, drank, and were very merry. The menfolk played some hockey after the kids got tuckered out, and considering their ages ranged from 35 to 70 and skill levels from zero to sub-zero, there were only minor injuries and a few calls of slashing.

But, before all that, the kiddies took to the ice for some fun.

Evy and Maia
Not sure if they are practicing for the luge, or just tired

Brave little girl was skating sans-parental help.
(Skating should be in quotation marks.)

Not sure if this is shock at the cold, or
amazement at Rob's awesome double flip moves

And then more fun today, which was an absolutely dreamy while incredibly freezing cold day. (Just look at that blue sky! It was glorious, if you were wearing 11 layers and a balaclava!). A lovely opportunity to slide down the driveway. (Hey, any hill is awesome when you're two!)

Wheeee daddy!

Getting a running start.

Then, this afternoon we did more skating on the pond (um, yes, it's still darn cold out there) and then had dinner with the neighbours. Other weekend highlights included a walk to the bakery, visiting with friends and their new puppy, and playing on the path Rob cleared up the backyard to the old school.

So, this weekend was pretty darn relaxing. Let's see, two meals out, skating on multiple ponds, sledding, playing, and I didn't get in the car once all weekend! Faaaaabulous! Yes, small town living is pretty great.

Now, to come to terms with the fact that the thermometer says it's -24 degrees and I have to get up and go to work tomorrow! Boooo!

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